AWARDS – 16 more!

DMCM takes home 16 Awards on the night – more than any other agency!

Following on from the DMCM’s annual success at the Integrated Direct Marketing Awards in recent years, the fanfare of Awards night was pretty much trumped by the haul of 16 Awards DMCM took home in 2013.

DMCM made away with Gold, Silver and Bronze a

cross multiple categories and for a variety of clients including:

  • Chill Insurance
  • Volkswagen Bank
  • SEAT Ireland
  • The Niall Mellon Township Trust
  • Neopost Ireland
  • EW Technologies

The Awards spanned a range of industry sectors including Insurance, Auto, Finance, Charity and covered both Business to Business and Business to Consumer markets.

Peter Whelehan commented on the night:

“It’s great to reap the rewards of all the hard work over the past year and to have clients who are willing to creative and challenge DMCM to come up with innovative and creative campaigns and targeted strategies that exceed expectations and objective to deliver clearly measurable results and a return on their marketing investment.”